Before we enjoyed our next holidays, i took some pictures of our garden. So for example from the Meum or Bärwurz- The heat and dryness didn’t damage this plant.
Also the water shamrock sprouted well.
Und so kleine Stillleben wirken immer.
And such a
little still life also appeals always.
Das Waldbrettspiel liebt scheinbar die Sonne und
At seems the speckled
wood (butterfly) loves sun and heat. Ameisen geht es besonders gut. Sobald man einen Topf oder Gießkanne hochhebt – schon werden die Eier wieder zurückgebracht in ein kleines Loch. . Es ist faszinierend die kleinen Tiere zu beobachten. Was die sich für Arbeit machen.
Especially the
ants thrive well. As soon as I lift a pot or a watering can – the eggs are
brought back in a tiny hole. It is fascinating to watch these little animals. What
they are making a lot of labour.