So auch diesmal, die Vorstellung im Bockenheimer Depot. Wir haben ganz spießbürgerlich ein Abonnement, aber ohne dieses würde uns einiges entgehen. So auch diesmal.
At the moment we are a lot out and about – holiday, garden markets, visiting gardens, workshops and so on. We are coming home only, when there is an opera or an exhibition in Frankfurt.
So also this time, a performance in the Bockenheimer Depot. We have – total bourgeois - a subscription, but without we would let something slip. So also this time.
DREI EINAKTER von Bohuslav Martinů (1890 – 1959)
Oper in einem Akt. Text von Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes. Uraufführung am 22. Oktober 1969, Staatstheater, Brünn
Komische Oper in einem Akt. Text von André Wurmser. Uraufführung am 10. Februar 1964, Nationaltheater, Mannheim
Komische Funkoper in einem Akt.
Text vom Komponisten nach einer Vorlage von Václav Kliment Klicpera. Uraufführung am 18. März 1937 durch den Prager Rundfunk.
Oper in einem Akt. Text von Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes. Uraufführung am 22. Oktober 1969, Staatstheater, Brünn
Komische Oper in einem Akt. Text von André Wurmser. Uraufführung am 10. Februar 1964, Nationaltheater, Mannheim
Komische Funkoper in einem Akt.
Text vom Komponisten nach einer Vorlage von Václav Kliment Klicpera. Uraufführung am 18. März 1937 durch den Prager Rundfunk.
zum Werk
Im Alter von 45 Jahren schrieb Bohuslav Martinů über sich
selbst: »Ich war nie ein Avantgardist.« Und doch zählt er zu den innovativen
Komponisten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sein breites und vielfältiges Schaffen
spiegelt unterschiedlichste musikalische Einflüsse wider. In den 1920er Jahren
siedelte der gebürtige Tscheche nach Paris über, von wo aus sich seine Anerkennung
als Komponist international verbreitete. Die Werke, die in den folgenden Jahren
entstanden, greifen die zeitgenössischen Strömungen der französischen
Hauptstadt auf – von der Komponistengruppe Les Six und dem Neoklassizismus über
Igor Strawinsky bis hin zum Jazz. Zu diesen Kompositionen zählen auch die drei
Einakter Messertränen (1928), Komödie auf der Brücke (1935) und Zweimal
Alexander (1937). Die erste Oper stieß auf Ablehnung mit ihrer grotesken
Handlung vom Mädchen Eleonora, das sich in einen Erhängten verliebt, diesen mit
einem vorbeikommenden Radfahrer eifersüchtig machen will und schließlich – zum
Selbstmord bereit – erkennt, dass es sich bei dem endlich erwachenden Geliebten
um den Satan selbst handelt. Das exzentrische Libretto stammt aus der Feder des
dadaistischen Dichters Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes. Uraufgeführt wurden die Messertränen
erst 1969 – sieben Jahre nach Martinůs Tod – in Brünn. Die Funkoper Komödie auf
der Brücke, eine der ersten ihrer Art, die allerdings bereits 1948 erstmals
szenisch aufgeführt wurde, beweist Martinůs Gespür für die Bedeutung und das
Bewusstsein über die neuen Möglichkeiten technischer Innovationen wie etwa der
aufkommenden Massenmedien. Ein musikgeschichtliches Zitat hingegen stellt die
komische Oper Zweimal Alexander mit ihrem in der Musiktheater-Geschichte tief
verwurzelten Sujet der Treue-Probe und verschiedensten tradierten musikalischen
Formen dar, die sich in einem surrealen Geflecht von Traum und Wirklichkeit
entfalten. Auch die Uraufführung dieser Oper »überlebte« Bohuslav Martinů um
fünf Jahre.
DREIEINAKTER (Three One Act Operas) from Bohuslav Martinu (1890 - 1959
Messertränen (A Knife's Tears)
Opera in one act
Libretto by Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes
First performed October 22nd 1969, Staatstheater, Brno
Alexander (Twice Alexander)Messertränen (A Knife's Tears)
Opera in one act
Libretto by Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes
First performed October 22nd 1969, Staatstheater, Brno
Comic one act opera
Libretto by André Wurmser
First performed February 10th 1964, Nationaltheater, Mannheim
Komödie auf der Brücke (Comedy on the Bridge)
Comic one act opera written for radio
Libretto by the composer after a piece by Václav Kliment Klicpera
First performed March 18th 1937, on Prague Radio
When Bohuslav Martinů was 45 he wrote: »I
was never an avant gardist.« But he was one of the 20th century's most
innovative composers, whose broad and varied output mirrored diverse musical
influences. He moved to Paris in the 1920s and his reputation as a composer soon
spread. The works which subsequently came into being were influenced by trends
in the French capital at that time – the group of composers Les Six,
neoclassicism, Igor Stravinsky and jazz. His »Paris« compositions include three
one act operas Tränen des Messers/A Knife's Tears (1928), Komödie auf der
Brücke/Comedy on the Bridge (1935) and Zweimal Alexander/Twice Alexander
The first was met with disapproval because of it's grotesque story about a girl called Eleonora who falls in love with a hanged man, tries to make him jealous with a passing cyclist but then realises that the dead man, waking at last, is the devil. The excentric libretto was written by the Dadaist poet Georges Ribemont Dessaignes. A Knife's Tears was not performed for the first time until 1969 – seven years after Martinů's death – in Brno. His Comedy on the Bridge is every bit as absurd. An opera for radio, one of the first of its kind, staged for the first time in 1948, proves Martinů's nose for new possibilities made possible by technical innovations - the emerging mass media. A Musical quote is introduced in the comic opera Twice Alexander, with a popular theme in opera – putting fidelity to the test. This, combined with different forms of music develops into a surreal tangle of dream and reality. The first performance of this opera »outlived« Bohuslav Martinů too, by five years.
SynopsisThe first was met with disapproval because of it's grotesque story about a girl called Eleonora who falls in love with a hanged man, tries to make him jealous with a passing cyclist but then realises that the dead man, waking at last, is the devil. The excentric libretto was written by the Dadaist poet Georges Ribemont Dessaignes. A Knife's Tears was not performed for the first time until 1969 – seven years after Martinů's death – in Brno. His Comedy on the Bridge is every bit as absurd. An opera for radio, one of the first of its kind, staged for the first time in 1948, proves Martinů's nose for new possibilities made possible by technical innovations - the emerging mass media. A Musical quote is introduced in the comic opera Twice Alexander, with a popular theme in opera – putting fidelity to the test. This, combined with different forms of music develops into a surreal tangle of dream and reality. The first performance of this opera »outlived« Bohuslav Martinů too, by five years.
Messertränen Eleonore is infatuated with a hanged man. Her mother would prefer handsome Satan as a son-in-law. Eleonore tries to make her beloved jealous by flirting with a cyclist who, it soon becomes clear, is Satan, who makes eyes at both mother and daughter. Eleonore, overcome, faints. While the mother frets over her daughter, the hanged man comes to life. Eleonore, conscious again, enjoys his tender caresses. But he too turns out to be Satan, who leaves the distraught women saying: »I am, I was and always will be – the other one!« Zweimal Alexander Alexandre intends to put his wife Armande's fidelity to the test. Their maid Philomène and a portrait of the head of the household are sure that she will remain steadfast. Alexandre disguises himself as his cousin from Texas, which thoroughly disconcerts Armande. Alexandre wants to explain the farce, but Armande insists on kissing the cousin from Texas, and not her husband. Night closes in. Armande begins dreaming: visited by the goddess of marriage and her demons. Next day everything in the »Armande / Alexandre« household seems normal. But something has changed… Komödie auf der Brücke A bridge in the middle of a war: the guards on both sides won't let anybody who sets foot on the bridge leave it. Popelka and farmer Bedroň are stuck. They are joined by Popelka's fiancé Sykoš, who sees them kissing. He accuses Popelka of being unfaithful. Bedroň's wife comes running up, reproaching her husband and asking where he has been. The schoolmaster appears. All four ask him to resolve the situation. He, however, is obsessed with trying to find the solution to a riddle posed to him by officer Ladinsky: »How can a deer, surrounded by a high wall without any gaps in it, escape from his prison?« The sounds of fighting are getting louder, the battle is getting closer. Cries of victory proclaim the end of the war. Officer Ladinsky approaches. He clears up the situation between the two couples and knows the answer to the riddle: »The deer cannot escape!«
Dazwischen wird auch was im Garten getan. Einiges wird auch ohne unser Zutun– wie zum Beispiel der Kaktus, der auf Sommerfrische ist. Leider haben wir dieses Jahr eine Menge Sauerkirschen - ist wohl die Sonne dafür verantwortlich.
In the meantime we also work something in our garden. But something will grow without our help – as for instance the cactus, which is on summer holiday. Unfortunately this year we have a lot of sour cherries – the sun may be responsible for this.
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