End of August there was a guided tour – or more precisely a talk about ‘Dr. Senckenberg’. He was quite a philanthropist for the city. But he didn’t like the town councils. Now the botanical garden belongs to the ‘Palmengarten’ and therefore the city. The botanical garden is a visit worth – at the moment free entry - and especially the ‘Apotherkerpflanzengarten’.
Die großen Tomaten werden richtig gehätschelt. Die kleineren Tomaten sind so genannte Menschenfressertomaten. Sie sollen nicht gut schmecken, sollen aber beim Mitkochen von Menschenfleisch dieses wohlschmeckender und leichter verdaulich machen.
The big tomatoes are really pampered. The small tomatoes are so called Cannibal tomatoes. They don’t taste well – it is said, but if you cook them with human flesh, this will become tastier and more easily digested.
Die Woche danach war Pflanzenmarkt im botanischen Garten. Und wir durften das Erdhaus besuchen. Hier werden Moose gezüchtet. Wie die Zukunft dieses Hauses aussieht, ist ungewiss. Man kann nur hoffen, daß es nicht abgerissen wird.
The next week there was a plant market in the botanical garden. And we were allowed to visit the pithouse. Here mosses were cultured. But it is ambiguous about the future of this house. You can only hope, that it will not knocked down.
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