Anlaß dafür ist das 25-jährige Bestehen. Leider hat das Wetter nicht so mitgespielt, wie wir es uns eigentlich gewünscht haben. Aber der Ausflug hat sich gelohnt.
It is crazy, to travel such a long way, to visit a garden in Maastricht. But I always wanted to see the garden in spring - I have seen it quite often in summertime. There are only few gardens, which have open at this time of the year - I think because of the weather. You don't know, how the winter was etc. etc.
The reason for the opening, was the 25-anniversary. Unfortunately the weather was not so nice, as we thought it might be. But the short trip was it worth.
Der Eingangsbereich - The entrance area
Einige Sitzplätze - Some seating areas
Einige Ansichten aus dem Garten - some views from the garden
Vor dem 'Gewächshaus - In front of the small greenhouse
Der Hühnergarten - The garden for the hens
Die Hühner haben sich zuviel bewegt, deshalb keine Fotos von ihnen - The hens moved to fast thererfor there are no photos of the hens
Der Eingang zum neuen Garten - The entrance to the new garden
Das kleine Häuschen am Ende, hier finden auch Theatervorstellungen statt.
The little house at the end, where also plays will take place.
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