This has to be used. The sun was shining – after how many days? In the garden all is covered with snow. But it is good because it will be freezing cold during the next night. But of the snow you could see the tracks of the rabbits.
Keines ist im Eis eingebrochen und
No one is broken through
the ice and drowned.
Dieses Gemüsebeet (Zwiebeln und
Knoblauch) wird im Frühjahr wieder
umzäunt, sonst sieht es so aus – allerdings dann ohne Schnee.
This vegetable patch (onion
and garlic) has to be fenced in spring, otherwise it will look like this –
however then without snow.
The witch hazel is now flowering beautiful. The common thistle has little snow caps as well the decorative objects.
Und das Rotkehlchen wartet immer auf sein Futter.
And the robin is always
waiting for its food.
Das sind doch wunderschöne Winterimpressionen aus dem Garten. Gut, dass du sie eingefangen hast, denn die Pracht gehört inzwischen zur Vergangenheit.
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